Men's Ultra-light Sunglasses For Running are outdoor gear specifically designed for running enthusiasts, aiming to provide excellent visual protection, a comfortable wearing experience, and a fashionable appearance. Consider the wraparound design and stabilities of the frame to reduce wind resistance and prevent dropping. The ventilation hole design is perfect for increasing air circulation and enhance the coolness of wearing. As the ultra-light sport sunglass, it is a good choice for running. And we also accept OEM/ODM, customers can customize their own color and logo on the frame or lens.
Model Nr. |
CROSS XS PX036-01 |
Frame Material |
TR90 |
Lenses Material |
PC |
Application |
Custom Logo |
300prs/one color |
Samples Time |
For stock is 7 working days, for customization is about 20 working days |
Delivery Time |
8-15days |
Payment Method |
T/T |
Due to one-piece lens design, Men's Ultra-light Sunglasses For Running has a relatively simple structure, reducing assembly steps and potential failure point. One-pieces lenses generally have good optical performance, capable of maintain high image quality.
Men's Ultra-light Sunglasses For Running are particularly suitable for outdoor running activities, whether it is daily morning runs, marathon races, or cross-country race. They provide comfortable fit and excellent wearing experience. Additionally, they are also suitable for other outdoor sports scenarios such as cycling and hiking.
Made from lightweight materials, such as TR90, Men's Ultra-light Sunglasses For Running significantly reducing the weight of the frame and temples, providing a non-pressing feeling even during long-term wear. With UV protection, the lenses are capable of blocking harmful rays from the sun and protect the eyes from UV damage. Additionally, the rubber nose pads are freely adjustable to fit different face shapes then make sure non-slip in outdoor activities.